Humanity Just Witnessed Its First Space Battle

Humanity Just Witnessed Its First Space Battle

Early last week, Israel’s Arrow 2 missile system successfully intercepted and destroyed a suborbital ballistic missile suspected of launching from Yemen. It’s a notable technological achievement, but one with potentially serious legal and geopolitical implications. The New M3-Powered iMacs Are Triggering Serious Deja Vu The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) shot down an Iranian-manufactured ballistic missile…

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Lawmakers Demand End to FBI's Warrantless FISA Searches

Lawmakers Demand End to FBI’s Warrantless FISA Searches

A rare bipartisan coalition of lawmakers has teamed up to propose major privacy reforms that could fundamentally reign in the US government’s most powerful domestic surveillance tools. Should Facial Recognition Technology be Banned? | Future Tech If passed, the newly proposed Government Surveillance Reform Act (GSRA) would force law enforcement agencies to obtain a legal…

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UN Asks Google, Microsoft to Help It Figure Out How Risky AI Is

UN Asks Google, Microsoft to Help It Figure Out How Risky AI Is

The United Nations created a 39-member advisory body to guide the world through governance issues around artificial intelligence, announced United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres Thursday. Warning! Microsoft Wants ChatGPT to Control Robots Next Steve Wozniak, Elon Musk, and the world’s 500 top technologists called for a pause of advanced AI systems back in March to…

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